02. Video: Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple Linear Regression

If you want to fully grasp how the functions we will be using in Python work to fit multiple linear regression models, it is absolutely necessary to have a firm grasp of linear algebra. Though you can complete this class (and fit multiple linear regression models in Python) without knowing linear algebra, linear algebra is useful for understanding why you do or do not obtain certain results from Python, as well as troubleshooting if something goes wrong with fitting your model.

You will see a few instances of strange output that you may obtain from multiple linear regression output as you work through this course. Two additional resources are listed below if you need a linear algebra refresher before you continue!

  • Khan Academy's free course on Linear Algebra in case you need a refresher.

  • The linear algebra (matrix math) and NumPy refresher - navigate to your Extracurricular section in the leftmost-panel of your classroom to view.